Five Steps to Bliss…

According to the Vedic Indian philosophy, Soul (Self, Atma or Bliss) is the core of the body that is wrapped inside five layers. Vedantic seers identify humans in terms of three bodies, five sheaths and three states. Holistic approach of healing refers to physical, psychological and spiritual healing because human body is a complex combination of all of them. Various aspects of human existence are categorized into layers or sheaths, starting from physical, mental to spiritual.


Body is considered to be the physical abode of the Soul or Self which is present at the core and is wrapped by the sheath of bliss. Above it are five layers or sheaths that are also referred as the internal foes which reside in the three types of bodies in a human being, namely physical body, astral or subtle body and causal or the spiritual body. One has to take five steps inside oneself and defeat the five foes to reach the Soul or Self. These five foes are Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, and Aham (lust or desire, anger, greed, attachment, and ego).



Body Sheath


The outermost sheath is considered to be ‘Annamay Kosh’, the food sheath or the physical body. It is nourished by food, so it is named ‘Annamaya Kosh’. This layer relates to the physical form of Self or being. It is formed of five organs of perception or input devices through which it gathers information of the outside world. These organs are eyes (sight), ears (hearing), nose (smell), tongue (taste) and skin (touch). The other five organs are the organs of action. It is the materialistic aspect of the Supreme Self. Most individuals relate themselves with this sheath and identify themselves as body, bones, flesh, blood etc.


The disease is in the inner sheath at a subtle level but is reflected in the outer body sheath because this is the only sheath humans can see or visualize. Eating, drinking, physical enjoyments are the characteristics of this sheath. Medication in the modern science mostly covers this sheath only. This is why it is very superficial and working only on the symptoms of the disease. It is just cleaning the outer body without paying attention to the root cause of the disease. Fasting, Yoga, eating healthy food etc. are the other ways to purify this sheath.


Breath is Life


Physical body cannot exist without ‘Pranmay Kosh’, the breath, Pran or the life force which is giving life to the outer body. It is the vital air sheath that makes a bonding and creates synchronization between body and mind. Though it is similar to the physical body yet it is much subtler than it. Life continues as long as this sheath is active. Based on its location, movement and purpose, Pran, the vital breath energy is segregated into five major (Prana, Apana, Udana, Vyana and Samana) and five minor parts (Naga, Kurma, Devadatta, Krikala and Dhananjaya).


Vedic literature states that body contains 72000 Nadis, through which the pran moves in the body. These are very subtle Nadis that interconnect the Chakras, the energy centers of the body. In Yog – ‘Ida, Pingla and Sushmna Nadi’ have great importance. Ida – the ‘Moon System’, correlates with left nostril and Parasympathetic Nervous System, Pingla – the ‘Sun System’, correlates with right nostril and Sympathetic Nervous System, Sushmna – the ‘Central Nadi’, that penetrates the spinal column correlates with Central Nervous System. Vitality, health consciousness, physical exercises, Yoga etc. are related to this sheath. Acupressure, Acupuncture, Massage, Magneto-therapy etc. seems to work on this sheath.


Mind Games


Mind is considered to be the cause of both bondage and liberation. Along with the five sensory organs it constitutes ‘Manomaya Kosh’, the mind sheath. It receives sensory inputs from these organs, then process and interpret these inputs like a processor of a computer. This sheath governs the two earlier sheaths of body and breath. All the worldly affairs are planned and executed by this sheath. It refers to Psychic body, thoughts, philosophy, social consciousness and feelings. Ancient therapies like music therapy, aroma therapy, colour therapy, prayers and religious practices seems to work effectively on this sheath.


Sheath of Intellect


The next step is ‘Gyanmay Kosh’, the sheath of intellect or intelligence. It is the sheath of knowledge that discriminates or determines. It consists both of unconscious and conscious mind. Feelings of Aham, me, mine, logic or reasoning are considered to arise from this sheath. This sheath can be penetrated through meditation. At this juncture the mind sheath ceases to function. Regular meditation leads one to the state of ‘Samadhi’ and non duality, where mind is still and intellect is stable. It refers to the intellectual body, balanced approach towards life, and wisdom. Along with this the miseries created by mind are also taken care of. A stable mind translates to a stable body.


Bliss – The True Self


After passing through physical and mental sheaths, one reaches ‘Anandmay Kosh’, the sheath of bliss and eternal peace. Now, one has ventured very close to the Soul. The bliss and peace experienced here has no comparison or relation to the superficial joy experienced by the body or mind sheaths. It constitutes the ‘Karana Sharira’, the causal body and is associated with the state of dreamless sleep and Samadhi. It refers to the body of joy and is the state of pure consciousness and awareness. Here the three divine qualities of the Soul are reflected through Sat (Truthfulness), Chit (Conscious and aware) and Anand (Blissful, with unending joy).


The Merger


One who has taken these five steps is entitled to reach the innermost destination, ‘Chita Kosh’, the spiritual wisdom is now ready to merge with the Supreme Self in and reside in ‘Sat Kosh’.