An adventure is usually considered to be an exciting, unusual risky undertaking having an uncertain outcome. It can include exploring both physical and psychological world. Every moment of life itself is a daring adventure. It is risk all the time, exploring all the time, inside or outside the body. While outward adventurous activities are generally for recreation purposes giving short term excitement, the greatest adventure giving permanent excitement is the inward adventure, the Meditation.
As in the external world, adventure means doing something exiting and unusual, same way in the inward world it has to be something exciting and unusual. Usually man is always engrossed in thoughts, actions or emotions. Don’t you feel going against your normal routine, doing nothing, no action, having no thought or emotion is adventurous? Meditating, just remaining in the substance of which you are made of, pure bliss, when there is no mental or physical activity.
But can anyone do or practice this? For centuries humans have been trying to devise ways to achieve this state of bliss. They have designed various methods and techniques but very few have been able to reach the summit. The foremost reason is that they have been trying to reach the state of doing nothing with doing too much activity. They have been trying to reach the state of thoughtlessness by thinking. They have been trying to control emotions by suppressing. The approach was wrong. Thinking and concentrating is also doing. One cannot do it. One can only understand it. Those who understood, found the right path and achieved easily and comfortably without any effort.
Do all Actions while being Aware of Consciousness
This doesn’t mean that meditation is against action. It fact it means to do all actions while being aware of your consciousness, your inner core. With the understanding when you reach the inner core of your being, you experience extreme silence and bliss. With practice you can remain in this state 24×7. Now even while doing your daily activities and actions you will remain aware of your Self, without any action, thought or emotion of the outer world affecting your inner core. This is the beauty of meditation, the real way of living, becoming the centre point of a spinning top.
The whole world will revolve but you will remain stationary experiencing bliss, joy, peace and enhanced creativity. You will start watching the whole world while sitting at the top centre point. Everything is happening automatically, at its own pace, without the need of any external interference. You are not doing anything. The spinning top has been activated by some invisible force and you are just watching sitting in the centre. This is the secret of meditation, watching from the centre. Withdraw your attention from the outside world and let it rest within yourself.
Look at things from your Perspective
Just be a witness, a watchman. You are roaming about in a dark night. A dog started barking after seen you, you are listening. One is object and the other is subject. For the dog, you are the subject and for you, dog is the subject. Wait, think, there is someone else also who is present there, who is watching both of you. Not outside, it is inside you, who is witnessing, who is seeing. It is only because of his powers that you can open your eyes and apply your mind. He is your inner Self, who is watching. What is being watched is not important, who is watching is important.
You can watch people, nature, animals, birds or sky. Meditation means watching all of them with the awareness of the watchman. Who is watching? Being aware is meditation, whatever you are doing with alertness, awareness is meditation. If you are reading this with complete alertness, you are doing meditation. If your thoughts are wondering here and there while reading this then you have yet to understand meditation. The quality of alertness and awareness is the key. If you walk with alertness, it is meditation. It you drive with alertness, it is meditation. If you are listening to a song with alertness, it is meditation.
Learn to command your body
The problem is that you are not accustomed to remain without action, thought or emotion even for a second. So, you are not able to watch or experience the bliss. For this the first step is to sit silently and watch your body. As you become aware of each and every part of your body, your gestures and body language will change. You will be astonished to see that your body will start reacting to your commands. Many things which you did un-voluntarily will stop. You will experience that your body is at peace and relaxed. Slowly you will understand that same can be done with the thoughts also.
The adventure starts…