Five Steps to Bliss…

According to the Vedic Indian philosophy, Soul (Self, Atma or Bliss) is the core of the body that is wrapped inside five layers. Vedantic seers identify humans in terms of three bodies, five sheaths and three states. Holistic approach of healing refers to physical, psychological and spiritual healing because human body is a complex combination of all of them….

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  a bridge between science & spirituality In this modern age of science and technology one rarely finds a person who is not suffering from one or the other physical, mental, social or psychological problem. Research shows that more than 80% of these problems have their roots somewhere in the mind and has a spiritual dimension. We all know…

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Train your Brain

  There is an old saying that you can’t teach new tricks to an old dog. But it is not true for the brain. Human brain is not only a complex but also an impressive organ which can be trained at any age. No other animal in this universe possess such a brain which is capable like human brain….

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The True Religion (Religion Vs. Spirituality)

Qusetioner : Dear Satyashri, I have a doubt in my mind. If our religion is eternal then why doesn’t it reflect in the attitude of people? There doesn’t seem to be any positive effect of spirituality in their lives. Everywhere we can see people fleecing, betraying and competing with each other in the name of religion. I am unable…

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Meditation – The Greatest Adventure

An adventure is usually considered to be an exciting, unusual risky undertaking having an uncertain outcome. It can include exploring both physical and psychological world. Every moment of life itself is a daring adventure. It is risk all the time, exploring all the time, inside or outside the body. While outward adventurous activities are generally for recreation purposes giving…

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Take your first step… NOW.

People who don’t know much about meditation relate it to religion, worship or prayers. Meditation is not also closing eyes and sitting for hours. Truly speaking meditation is none of them. It is going beyond them. It means awareness, being conscious. Whatever a person does with awareness is meditation. If you are free from distractions and watching your breath,…

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Before understanding detailed effects of meditation one should have a brief idea of human brain. The frontal lobe is the highly evolved section of brain that is responsible for logic, emotions and self-conscious awareness. Parietal lobe controls the senses and processes information about the physical world. Thalamus is like a gatekeeper that works as a switchboard of sensory data,…

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