Education is the birth right of every child but 2011 survey holds the National Literacy Rate to be mere 74.04%. The criteria for literate is that any person above the age of 7 years who can read and write with understanding in any language.
“Education for All” initiative was started way back in 2012 to educate each and every child of the nation. Various projects in this regard are changing the lives of the most backward section of the society. Volunteers of AAS are educating and sponsoring education of children who want to learn but cannot afford due to lack of money. Children are inspired to attend school as their school fees and other expenses are taken care of by AAS Ashram.
According to Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2012, 96.5% of all rural children between 6-14 years were enrolled in school. Though quantitatively, India is inching closer to universal standards yet quality of education has been questioned, particularly in government run school system.While primary school attendance is more than 95 percent, it is just 40 percent for secondary school (Grades 9-12). The reason behind this is lack of infrastructure, cost of living and education. AAS Ashram helps identify and improve facilities in such schools.
In January 2019, India had more than 900 universities and 40,000 colleges. Significant seats are reserved under affirmative action policies for the historically disadvantaged classes in India’s higher education system. Thus, many good students could not get a chance and have to look towards private institutions but the cost of education there is quite high for them. AAS Ashram identifies such students and help them through scholarships and direct fee transfer.
To improve the nutritional status of school-age children,midday mealsare also sponsored at various locations through partner organisations. Free lunches on working days are arranged in primary and upper primary classes serving over 8,000 children in over 16 schools.
An estimate suggests that only one in five job-seekers in India ever had any sort of vocational training. In today’s world vocational training is the foremost tool for job opportunities.Interested meritorious students are sponsored to undergo vocational diploma or degree courses in pharma, architecture, hotel management and others.
Demand for technical certification is increasing day by day among job seekers. This is being taken care of through our technical arm “Transcendental Technologies” that has been imparting free technical education to deserving students on web technologies.
Students who could not go to regular schools due to any reason are provided assistance in the form of fees and study material to complete their education through National Institute of Open Learning(NIOS) and Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
AAS Ashram has joined hands with like-minded people and organisations to make an impact and bring a transformation.
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