India – One of the most disaster prone area in the world.
● 23 out of 29 states are multi-disaster prone regions.
● Over 40 million hectare of land identified as flood prone.
● Earthquake vulnerable area of 57%.
● Indian Ocean is among the six key cyclone-prone regions of the world.
● Millions affected every year by natural disasters.
These disasters leave people traumatised by loss of livelihood and death of family and friends. and their lives devastated by their loss of livelihood. Though Government has been working with great sincerity with research institutions and NGO’s yet the need for disater preparedness and quick response always remain.
AAS is committed to provide disaster response and preparedness services to the vulnerable communities in both crisis and non crisis situations.
We also strive to provide immediate, effective and sustainable support to the victims of natural disasters.
All our volunteers are driven by their passion for disaster management and respond immediately to families affected by natural disasters with food, water, medicines and essential items at the first stage.
In second phase we work towards rehabilitation of the affected families.
In non-crisis situation, we actively engage with vulnerable communities and train them to cope with emergencies.